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AGS has successfully registered and issued projects under Gold Standard, Verra and GCC


Clean Cooking

The project distribute improved and clean cooking solution to low income households across India and Africa. Traditional cooking methods, which often rely on solid fuels like wood, charcoal, or dung, contribute to indoor air pollution. Indoor air pollution disproportionately affects women and children, who typically spend more time indoors. By transitioning to cleaner cooking solutions, such as improved cookstove, electric or gas stoves, communities can significantly reduce harmful emissions, improving air quality and health outcomes. 


Sustainable Agriculture

The project implement AWD (Alternate Wetting and Drying) technique in the rice fields. The implementation of the technique helps  in reducing the high levels of methane emissions that are associated with paddy cultivation as well as Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizers use. 


Safe Water

Access to safe drinking water is a fundamental human right and a critical component of public health. Yet, millions of people worldwide still lack this essential resource, leading to severe health risks, including waterborne diseases like cholera and dysentery. The project provide access to safe water to communities and institutions by providing household water   filters, community water supply technologies and/or installing community water treatment plants in India and Africa


Industrial Wastewater

The project involves implementation of an anaerobic wastewater treatment facility and a biogas power plant at the industrial site in South-East Asia. The project generates greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions by capturing the biogas produced from the digestion of organic matter and combusting it to produce electricity, thus avoiding methane emission from direct release into the atmosphere


Energy Efficiency

Energy-efficient lighting is crucial for rural communities, offering a range of benefits that significantly enhance daily life and promote development. Cost saving is a major advantage, as energy-efficient options like LED bulbs consume less electricity, reducing energy bills for families. This is particularly important in rural areas where income levels may be low. The project distributes free of cost LED bulbs to rural communities in India.

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Solar Irrigation

The project install solar irrigation systems in India and Kenya to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and assist farmers adapt to these changing climate conditions. With easier access to water for irrigation, the project helps in irrigating the crops even during the dry season (i.e. throughout the year) and planting new crops, thereby increasing the productivity and revenue to the farmers.

Other Projects


Assisting Gold Standard to enhance the list of default SDG monitoring indicators for potential GS4GG eligible project types. The aim is to extend its application to new project types and broaden the existing set of SDG indicators.


Assessment of the potential opportunities and limitations of carbon financing for Urban Solid Waste Management projects in developing countries. Includes comparative analysis of the voluntary and compliance markets.



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AGS conducted a study comparing the GS MMECD methodology with other crediting methodologies for clean cookstove in order to identify areas of refinement or improvement for MMECD. The study was done in collaboration of MECS Programme. 


AGS Carbon conducted thorough review and revision of Chapter on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Consumption of the Standard for Responsible Mining and Mineral Processing. This Standard is managed by Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance

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